Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bodies Week

For our fifth week of preschool I got to teach the kids about our bodies.  

Day one:
Body Puzzle and Identifying different body parts...

Fine motor writing, and the Letter F

Body tracing and coloring...

 Notice James’ “ribs”.  He was determined to draw every bone he has.

Next we talked about germs, mucous and the importance of hand washing.

 We played a gross motor game about body movement...

 They loved it...

Finally we talked about finger prints and the kids all made and “examined” their own.

Day 2:

Today we talked more about our senses.

We started with a couple fine motor activities, like writing their names...

Do-a-dot art and the letter G

Then we played a few games using our different senses. For touch they had balloons filled with different materials to feel the differences. For hearing we made a cup phone and the kids used it to whisper things back and forth to each other. For smell I had them smell a variety of herbs, seasonings, and essential oils. For sight they were given blind folds and had to feel different objects. Finally for taste they had to guess what was salt and what was sugar by looking at it and then getting to taste it.  They were all so good and attentive for these games!

For snack time they ate these scary faces.

Next we built skeleton puppets.

And to practice counting by tens they painted 100 gum balls.

Day 3:

Today we played doctor.

Listening to each others hearts, lungs and bowels...

We talked about healthy foods.  The kids cut out healthy foods from advertisements and glued them on to H our letter of the day.

Next they took turns being the Eye doctor and earning their eye glasses.

After that our little radiologists took X-rays and showed what part of body their picture was from.

After that our little doctors had to give a kid some stitches.

Then they were dentists.  They counted their teeth in their own mouths and made a “model” with the same number of “teeth”.

They also made tooth brushes and brushed one of their patient’s teeth.

Finally for snack time the kids had sugar cookies that they could frost “bones” on to.

It was a super fun week!