Thursday, February 6, 2014

South America week!

February 4th & 6th

This week was the final continent, South America. On Tuesday the focus was on the Rainforest. I didn't take any pictures on Tuesday because I'm really bad at remembering to do that but we had a lot of fun. Riley wasn't with us this week but the boys were all very good and excited for everything on Tuesday. We did:
- tracing the letter K worksheet. Everyone did very well with this. Their tracing skills are really improving. We talked about what sound the letter K makes and different things that start with the letter K (kite, kangaroo, etc)
- we did a worksheet on circles. There were a bunch of circles in the picture and the kids had to find the circles and color them black (color of the day). I was very surprised at how little help they needed with this. I simply gave them the instructions and they all took off doing it. They found all of the circles and colored them in very well.
- for our Rainforest theme we read a Magic School Bus In The Rainforest book. We talked about all of the different plants , animals and I insects that are found in the Rainforest. We talked about what the weather is like, how it is warm and very wet. There was even a chart in the book that compared the amount of rainfall in the Rainforest per year to the amount of rainfall in Nevada!
    After the book we went out to the front yard where I had hidden (15) pictures of animals/insects from the rainforest all through the yard. The boys took turns with a pair of binoculars as they all searched for the animals. We then counted a few times to see if we had 15. They all loved this and were excited whenever they found one.
- we also made a rainforest craft. A paper plate frog. The boys each painted the plate and then they colored and cut out the legs, arms, tongue and eyes of the frog. Adam and Dax each needed a little help cutting, not much though. James just took off with his cutting and did very well. They are all improving in that skill as well.
- the final activity we did was singing the monkey/alligator song which they all liked :).

On Thursday we focused more on the geography and culture of South America. After calendar we started off with our number (16). They each glued 16 goldfish onto a paper with a fishbowl on it. They were all kindof over it by the time they got to 8 fish but they kept at it and all finished! I think it made them understand how big a number 16 is :).
-for our triangle shape we did the same kind of oage that we did on Tuesday with the circles, this tone with triangles. They did we'll with it again.
- for our letter L we went out back where I had drawn a bunch if letters on the wall with chalk. They each got a squirt bottle and had to find the L's and spray them off (thanks for the idea, Heather). They loved this. It was really cold so they were all bundled in their jackets and hats and looked so cute. They had no trouble finding the (16) L's on the wall.
- for South America I showed them a globe and we found where we live and then where South America is in comparison. We also glued all the flags if the countries on a map of dough America.
- we read a South American folk talk story called Jabuti about a tortoise from the Amazon. It was cute and they were all really interested in it. Then we played with a puzzle and some hats and a flute that Mandi had provided. I tied getting pictures of all them together with the stuff but they weren't having it :). We had a fun week!

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