Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring/ Easter week

April 8th - Spring/Easter week!

Of course I forgot to take pictures again. :(

Today we focused on the Resurrection part of Easter and on Springtime.

-Right after Calendar we read a book called The First Easter about The Crucifixion and Resurrection. Then we watched a short video from lds.org about it called He Is Risen. The kids liked the book alright and were pretty good sitting and listening to it but when we watched the video they were great! All for of them sat and watched the whole video and were very interested in it. I wasn't sure how well they would handle watching the crucifixion even though it wasn't very graphic but they all did well and asked question or pointed things out. After the video was over we they pointed out that it was sad when Jesus died but happy that He lives again. I explained that this is why we celebrate Easter.
-We listened to the primary song "Did Jesus Really live again" and I taught them the last line which says "Did Jesus really live again after He had died, Oh yes, and so shall I."

    We have 4 letters this week. A,B,C,D. I decided to do all 4 today. We went on a "Letter" egg hunt. When they found the eggs they had to tell me which letters they found.

  Our shapes this week are oval and circle. I combined the shapes today too. They each got a paper with a large Easter egg on it (oval) and they glued some small fuzzy pom pom circles to their oval. They had fun with this since they could glue the pom poms on wherever they wanted. Dax was the only one that put all of his inside the egg, the other three glued the pom poms to the outline of the egg.  

We read about the Spring season, that the sun shines, baby birds chirp and flowers grow: then
We went on a Spring Walk outside. They each had a buddy that they had to hold hands with outside so we didn't lose anyone. They all liked being buddies. We used our senses and "saw, smelled, felt and heard," spring. They saw lots of flowers, trees, the sun, the clouds, the birds. They smelled the flowers. We heard birds chirping. We felt the warm sunshine and a lite breeze.

-Snacktime! We had apple juice and a "kite" brownie and talked about flying kites in springtime.

-Springtime Science!
    We made rainclouds. The boys loved this, Riley wasn't into it as much :) I filled jars 3/4 full of water and put shaving cream on top. They thought it was neat that the shaving cream stayed on top of the water. I then mixed blue food coloring in water in a bowl and they kiddos used a small syringe to fill their "cloud" with "rain." The blue coloring would slowly fall out of the shaving cream and into the water beneath and it looked like rain falling out of a cloud. It was really neat and they wanted to do it over and over again.

-Art project!
    We made an "April showers bring May flowers" art project. They got to color their paper plate umbrellas and cut them in half. They also made grass by cutting little slits into a thin piece of green paper. They used their glue to glue their grass, umbrella and some pre-cut flowers onto their paper. Then they added some fingerprint raindrops using blue paint.

Our color today was blue so we talked about what color our rain was in our rain clouds and what color pain we used to make raindrops on our art project.

We had a lot of fun today. They all did pretty well with everything, even though they were getting a little restless at the end. :)

April 10th

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